Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer School - Day Eighteen - Cheating

I am giving daily homework quizzes as a way to assess student progress in the rapidly paced world of summer school. Cheating is rampant. It's a small room with no dividers. Temptation is strong.

But, there is a larger underlying reason why students cheat. They are embarrassed by their lack of understanding. And that is my fault, not theirs.

Students who are truly interested in learning, who are engaged in the subject matter, who want to demonstrate their own learning will have no desire to cheat.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer School - Day Seventeen - Even More Helplessness

At the beginning of a new unit about angles, I focused on vocabulary. There is a glossary in the back of the textbook that students used to look up words like acute, obtuse, transversal, complimentary, etc.

I never thought they would have trouble with the definition of the word "angle".

Apparently the textbook writer's didn't think so either because a definition for angle is nowhere to be found. So, I began to probe and ask for students to tell me what an angle is. I knew I would not get a rigorous mathematical definition, but I expected some understanding of the concept. A girl suggested, "In a shape, it's the corner." A decent beginning. I hoped for others to build upon that idea.


Complete silence.

I realized some of them had ideas but weren't going to share. Others had no clue. Still others could care less. They expected me to give up and tell them the answer. I refused. I told them:
"I know what you're doing. You think I'm going to break down and tell you the definition. Well, I'm prepared to wait you out."
I made each table discuss and come up with some definition. Wrong answers were OK, even good as a starting point for learning. But, every table had to have some reasonable definition. Then I would randomly call on one member of the group to share.

This worked pretty well. We had some interesting ideas and I tried to use Socratic questioning to get at student's underlying thinking and assumptions. I had limited success. Eventually I dragged them kicking and screaming to the idea that an angle was a measure of rotation in the same way length was a measure of distance.

The point of all this is not the students lack of understanding of what an angle is. It is my lack of ability to draw out what I am sure they already intuitively know... an angle measures rotation. I need so much more practice at Socratic questioning. I need to plan ahead and script a discussion so I can anticipate likely misconceptions and difficult concepts.

I was excited about the overall effectiveness of the discussion despite it's unimpressive final results. As I tell my students, initial failure is good if it moves us towards understanding and learning.

Summer School - Day Sixteen - Teaching to the Exam

Quick thought.

While teaching similar triangles, I found myself working three specific examples for my students because I know these are the types of questions they will see on the exam. Instead of focusing on concepts like corresponding parts, scale factor, and ratio, I taught procedures for solving each of the "tricky" types of problems. I pointed out why the questions were "tricky", what to keep in mind and how to set up the "correct" mathematical procedure.

Knowing what is going to be on the exam often leads me to poor teaching. I want to make sure I cover all the possibilities and prepare my students for the problems they will see. Of course, deep conceptual understanding coupled with the confidence to think through a new problem would work just as well. Probably better.

I guess I'll see the result of my efforts tomorrow on the test.
Update:  Despite (or maybe because of) my explanations yesterday, at least 3/4 of the class still answered the "tricky" questions wrong. They made all the same mistakes I warned them about demonstrating both poor procedural knowledge and a complete lack of conceptual understanding. This just deepens my convictions about 2 things. One, teaching procedures without concepts is next to useless. Two, words are a poor way to communicate concepts.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer School - Day Fifteen - Half Way

Half way reflection.

Accepting a summer school position was supposed to be a little extra money, a way to keep busy in the morning, and most importantly a chance to try some new things. A whole summer off seemed like it would ensure that I continue to teach the same way come September. Teaching a summer class gave me the opportunity to keep thinking about change and try out some new ideas before implementing them in my classroom in the fall.

Hasn't happened.

Besides the obvious lazy summer excuse, there are several other factors that have limited my good intentions. Family demands, trip planning, pregnant sister-in-law, sick kids, challenges at church... all these things dominate my thinking during the course of a day. And when my thoughts do turn to teaching strategies, I am focused on the new year not on the summer course.

The good thing is that by lecturing and giving worksheets during the summer, I have found lots of time to read blogs and articles, review grading standards, and follow twitter. All of these things are continuing to shape my thinking and help me plan for the new school year. If it wasn't for summer school, I would not have the time to dig deep like this. I would be too busy recovering from a day of Vacation Bible School and swimming lessons followed by a weekend of gymnastics.

Teaching summer school has given me time. Time to research. Time to reflect. Time to write.

Time to think.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer School - Day Fourteen - More Helplessness

We are doing a garden design project as a follow up to our measurement unit. Using grid paper where 1 square equals 1 foot, a student needs to draw and cut out a square planter with side length 2' 4". He comes  to me to ask how to do this. Fair enough. 4" can be tricky. It is a fraction of a foot.

The conversation below occurs more or less as follows (at several different times, with the same student and with other students):

Me:   How much of a foot is 4 inches?

Student:   2.4

Me:   No, just the 4 inches.

Student:   Oh, 0.4.

Me (thinking):   He's stuck in a base 10 metric system. Let's try something else.

Me:   OK. How many inches are in half a foot?

Student:   50.

Me (thinking):   What?!?! Oh! He means 50%.

Me:   How many inches are in half a foot?

Student:   50.

Me:   No. Inches. How many inches?

Student:   Oh, 0.5.

Me:   You are thinking about 50% right? I am asking you how many inches?

Student:   50?

Me:   OK. How many inches in a whole foot?

Student:   What? Ummmm 12.

Me:   Right! So how many inches in half a foot?

At this point, the student starts writing ratios to do a unit conversion, converting 4 inches to feet. Then he grabs his papers and says, "I'll work on it." But, he doesn't really work on it. Later when I drop by to see his progress, he has nothing. But he stills wants me to draw 2' 4" for him.

It is so much easier to just draw it for him and walk away. Miraculously, I resist this urge and proceed to have another conversation as before. This time, he gets it (at least he guessed the right answer) and he draws the square.

But now, there is a circle with radius 1' 3". Oh No!

Summer School - Day Thirteen - Learned Helplessness

My colleague-across-the-hall, Blair Miller, and I talk a lot about the culture of learned helplessness in our school. Basically, it comes from teachers being too helpful. So when we actually ask students to think for themselves or work through a problem, they have no motivation, no skills, no idea what to do. The default response is to ask for help and expect the teacher to do most of the work for them. And why not? That's the way it has been for years.

The danger of this crystallized for me today when my summer school class wrote a chapter test.
UPDATE: Day after test. It's happening again right now. For a garden design project, a student is asking me how to fit a 25x40 foot rectangle onto a grid that is 26x42 squares. It takes us 5 minutes to figure out. And he still wants confirmation as he crosses out the extra rows. AARGH!
The most common question during the test was, "How do I do this again?" And there was a sense of expectation that I would just give them the answer. And frustration and bafflement when I walked away instead.
UPDATE: I just went to check on the student's progress. He had crossed out 3 rows instead of 2 to get a 25x39 rectangle. Then he accused me of not explaining it right. His friend says, "We're A&W math (remedial). What do you expect?" I expect you to be able to subtract! Double AARGH!
I know the fault lies with me not with the students. If they engage in this learned helplessness, it is because I allow it, even encourage it by my need to explain everything. I wonder if it's a control issue? I want to be in charge of what is learned and how it is learned. My way is the best. But, clearly it is not.

I see the modeling method of teaching as more than just a superior way to teach math and physics. It teaches independent learning. It forces students to wrestle with concepts and explain their thinking. It exposes misconceptions. It creates opportunities for students to build deep and rich understanding.

It allows me to be less helpful.
UPDATE: Full disclosure. Turns out I was wrong. Triple AARGH! The gird is 27x41 not 26x42. But the student still had it wrong and did not understand the concept of subtraction in this context. Why am I justifying myself? I really do need to get out of the way.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer School - Day Twelve - Little Something New

In my last post, I described my frustrations with how my teaching is reverting to basic lecturing with worksheets this summer. I am so sick of talking. I see the glazed expressions and I know there is no transfer of knowledge happening. Then I have to talk more later because (a few) students have questions if the assignment differs from the notes even by a little.

So, today I tried something new. Nothing spectacular... just an attempt to get them thinking on their own. To introduce surface area, I posed a simple problem:

   I have a rectangular box I need to wrap for a birthday present.
   Given certain dimensions, how much wrapping paper do I need?

In small groups students worked together to determine an answer, but also explain what they were doing and why. Throwing numbers on a page and calculating does not demonstrate any understanding of the concept of surface area.

Group 1 - Absolute silence. I come back in 5 minutes and they still aren't talking. Although, one of them has written a potential answer on paper without consulting her teammates. Wrong answer.

Group 2 - This group includes the boy recently arrived from India who has already taken calculus. Correct answer but he is the only one who understands it.

Group 3 - A decent discussion emerges. Half the group has calculated volume. They saw a bunch of numbers on the diagram and started doing some math. Their explanation amounts to, "Isn't this what your supposed to do?" One girl in the group is suggesting the correct method. When I ask her to explain her thinking, she has some vague recollection of doing this before. So in effect she is fishing for a mathematical technique that some other teacher taught her last year. No conceptual understanding. Just matching the right method with the right problem.

Group 4 - Also volume calculation. Although one student has the correct answer on his own. He understands that the front face is the same as the back, etc. But still no real understanding of surface area as a concept.

Group 5 - One student has drawn a diagram of each face and calculated the perimeter for each. Then he erased it all when he saw me coming. I try to tell him, I like his method and he is on the right track but he interrupts me to say he was just messing around.

Conclusions? The activity was not stellar but then it was not meant to be. All I wanted to do was get them thinking. Unfortunately the extent of their thinking was to try to remember what another teacher taught them once long ago. Some randomly multiplied numbers. Others started on an interesting path only to fall victim to self-doubt.

These students in particular are not used to thinking for themselves. It will take a lot more than one simple problem to break the culture of learned helplessness. I am going to try to introduce each remaining topic in a similar way. And after each chapter test, we will work on a project that should get them thinking.

Baby steps.

Summer School - Day Eleven - Bad Teaching

It's official... I have already given up trying to plan new things for summer school. I have reverted to stand and deliver and here's the worksheets. Of course this means that 5 minutes after my spectacular explanations with examples, I have a line of kids asking questions. "How do I do this?"

Who am I kidding? It's not a line of kids. It's about 3. The rest of them still don't know what to do but they don't bother asking. And this lack of caring from the students contributes to my own ennui. Teachers talk a lot about engaging students, getting them excited and interested and motivated. What about the students' responsibility to reciprocate?

My colleague-across-the-hall, Blair Miller, and I talk a lot about the culture of learned helplessness at our school. A big part of the problem is exactly the kind of teaching I am currently doing in summer school. It creates a climate in the classroom where students expect the teacher to spoon feed them everything they need. And we accommodate them.

Teacher lectures. Teacher gives notes. Teacher gives assignment... but wait! Here is a problem that is not exactly like the notes. I'm lost! Teacher walks through the problem so I don't have to think. I now have correct answers on my page and absolutely no understanding. But that's OK because teacher will spoon feed me again tomorrow.

I plan to make one minor change tomorrow. I am going to introduce the concept of surface area by getting students in groups to figure out how to wrap a present. No spoon feeding. They must work it out together.

I admit, I am not optimistic.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer School - Day Ten - What Are We Teaching?

During break, one of my students who recently came to Canada from South Asia, asked me what type of math he should take to get into university. The class I am teaching, Apprenticeship & Workplace (A&W) math, is designed for students going into trades. Universities will not accept A&W for basic entrance requirements.

My student told me he already had a grade 10 math credit from India. He only took this course in the summer to see what Canadian schooling was like. So I asked him what he studied in India. His answer blew me away.

Apparently Math 10 in India covers advanced algebra, functions, differentiation and integration. This student has already covered content that Canadian students don't see until first year university. He is 14 years old.

This reminds me of a Christmas vacation my wife and I took to visit her family in Uruguay. My wife's second-cousin was in grade 9 at the time and she showed me her math notebook. At 13 she was studying functions and algebra that my students back home wouldn't see until grade 12. And she was excelling.

I have 17 year olds who have failed Math 10 twice and have difficulty converting feet to inches or calculating a sale price. I can't imagine them grappling with parabolic functions let alone actually developing deep conceptual understanding.

Are our expectations so low for our students? They certainly do rise to the low bar we place before them.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer School - Day Nine - The Substitute Teacher... Again

As predicted in my last post, after I took a day off, my students complained that the TOC (Teacher-On-Call) did not teach them anything. "It was so confusing!" and "We didn't get it!" echoed off the walls.

Despite the fact that I know the TOC personally and find her to be a highly competent teacher. Despite the fact that her notes were still on the whiteboard when I came in this morning and they looked exactly like what I would have done. Despite the fact that almost the entire class got 100% on a quiz she gave them at the end of class.

So what happened? Is it just a reflex for students to complain about the TOC? Is it their fault for not paying attention? Is it her fault? Maybe she didn't explain it well. Is it my fault? I never should have taken a day off.

Someone should really do a study on this. Seriously. I have almost no confidence in this system of substitute teaching even though I have great confidence in many substitute teachers. I know when I am absent, someone must take my place. But how we do this needs to change somehow because I don't believe it works.

Occasionally I will find a bright young teacher who seems to connect with my class and it's not a complete disaster. But then that bright young teacher gets hired to their own classroom and I'm left with no one again. There are several retired teachers on the TOC list who are eminently capable. But they are not always available since they would rather be on the back porch sipping wine then teaching a bunch of teenagers.

It seems especially difficult to find quality physics TOCs. I don't think it's fair to my students to have an English teacher attempt to teach them relativity. It's also not fair to the TOC. So, I schedule days off during tests or give the class a study day. The TOC role becomes glorified babysitter. And I think that diminishes the dignity of the job they are meant to do.

And as I transition to a modeling method of teaching, it will only get more difficult. I don't believe there is such a thing as a modeling substitute teacher. The only viable solution I can think of is to have another modeling teacher across the hall who won't mind taking on my classes as well as his own on the days I am sick.

What do you say Blair?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer School - Day Eight - The Substitute Teacher

I took a day off from summer school today. So I had to find a substitute or Teacher-On-Call (TOC) as we politically-correct British Columbians like to say. This is never a pleasant experience. But before I start to rant let me say that I know the teacher who TOC'd for me today and she is an excellent teacher and I know she did a great job.

Having said that, the greatest TOC in the world is not me.

I'm not so egotistical to think that I am better than anyone else. But no matter how good you are, substitute teaching is an extremely difficult job. You have to come in with zero preparation to an audience that is predisposed to not listen and take advantage of every opportunity to slack off and get in trouble. It is thankless work and I admire those who do it well.

But I still have to come in and clean up the mess afterwards. No matter how closely the TOC followed my directions (or changed them for the better) I guarantee that students will complain "We don't get it!" and "She taught us nothing!" I have taken to scheduling days off when my classes are writing tests just so there is less to deal with when I get back. I have had some amazing TOCs in the past and yet, somehow, have never had a good feeling when I return.

I can only imagine this getting worse as I transition to a modeling method of teaching. How many quality physics teachers are on the TOC list? How many of them will be trained modelers that can pick up for me and lead the class in inquiry and exploration? If I am gone for several days, how will this affect student learning in my classroom?

Can I ever take a day off again?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer School - Day Seven - Questions, Questions

I have 5 students out of a class of about 20 that actually ask me questions in class. Most of these questions are of the "Am I doing this right?" variety. No one else bothers. And this is not a class of stellar mathematicians.

One of the 5 is that persistent, pestering type that wants help on every detail and every step. He really doesn't want to know the reasons why. He just wants me to tell him the proper steps. If I try to explain the reasoning instead, he interrupts me with statements like "So, then I do this or that?" Inevitably he is wrong, because he isn't listening to the amazing math reasoning pouring forth from my mouth.

I've been thinking about being less helpful to my students. The problem is, in this case, with so little time in summer school and students who are not really motivated to learn but just want to get through and pass, being less helpful basically severs the lifeline they are clinging to. They are drowning in a sea of indecipherable math and are grasping at any floating object that might drift by.

I am getting really tired of standing in front of a class and talking. I get so frustrated trying to explain deep concepts when all they want is procedures that get the right answer. But if I stop throwing floating objects, they drown.

Summer School - Day Six - Student Shenanigans

There is a light tap on my classroom door. I'm not quite sure if someone knocked or not but I go to check anyway. There is no one there.

About 4 months ago, during the regular school year, several senior students were caught playing nicky nicky nine doors in the science wing. At first, I thought this was a repeat of that prank. One of my students saw the guy through the window and told me he had walked to the left. I went out into the hallway to confront him.

He said, "Do you know where the washroom is?"

Really?!?! That's the best you could come up with? You knocked on a complete stranger's door, then walked away because you wanted to know where the washroom is?

I finally started to clue in. Just after the knock, one of my more difficult students asked to go to the washroom. Apparently, the light knock and walk away was a subtle signal to this guy to come out and wander the halls with friends.

So, I let my student go. Then I followed him.

Sure enough he met up with the knocker and another guy at the other end of the hall. I stood watching while they completed complicated handshake/fist pumps. Then one of them noticed me. They made a big show of trying to find the washroom and disappeared inside.

New classroom rule: Use the washroom during break because no one is leaving the room on class time anymore.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer School - Day Five - Who Am I Teaching?

The vice-principal for summer school brought a new student to my class two days ago. Then he asked to talk to me in the hallway. He asked me to let him know if this student ever left the class. Apparently this student has gang connections and the administrative team wants to keep an eye on his activity at the school.

This got me thinking about how much we know (or don't know) about our students. Does this information colour the way I view this child? Am I biased now? Am I less likely to give this kid a break? Am I looking for him to mess up? Will I be more strict and less forgiving?

Or will I go the other way? Will I view him as a child from a broken home with a troubled past? Will I give him second chances? Will I attempt to respond to him in a way that is different than how most adults probably respond?

Overall, I try to treat all my students the same. I have the same high expectations for behaviour, effort and manners. Discipline and consequences are clearly explained and are consistent for all students.

But, I admit I find myself being tougher on this student than the others. I am quicker to apply consequences because I don't want escalating behaviour. I also find myself more lenient towards the girl who showed up the first day with her mother who said, "Just try your best." They both looked like passing the course was already hopeless.

Is it inevitable that I will treat some students differently? Is it inconsistent? Is it unfair? Or is it OK? Is it necessary even? How do I avoid inconsistency while still treating each student as an individual?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer School - Day Four - International Shopping Spree

Turned my classroom into a shopping mall today.

I used my Excel worksheet background to create some store posters that randomly generate store names, items for sale, retail prices and discount percents. I modified the old version so every store was labelled with a different country and the items were priced in the currency of that country. I also included a randomly generated sales tax between 1% and 25%.

I gave my students $1000 Canadian to start with (play money of course) and let them loose in the mall to spend as much as they could without going over. They had to convert the retail prices in foreign currency into Canadian funds. Then they calculated discounts, sale prices, and taxes to determine the final price. Finally they determined the total cost for their International Shopping Spree.

The randomly generated amounts made for interesting shopping. Some students found a sports car for around 250 Thai baht at 89% off. That turns out to be about $7.50 CDN. Conversely, pencils were selling for 100's of dollars.

Overall it was an engaging, effective way for me to assess student learning at this point in the unit. It required them to combine the various topics we have discussed into a single combined activity. And it challenged them to verify that the answers they got were reasonable.

"$316.00 CDN for a pencil?!?! That can't be right!"

The link to store posters above seems to open the file in read only mode for some reason. I will try to find some way to correct this so anyone can edit the file if they want.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer School - Day Three - Stifling Student Creativity

Quiz question today:

     The wholesale price of a hat is $9.00. It is marked up by 75%.
     What is the final retail price?

Since this is Apprenticeship & Workplace Math, most of my students have struggled with math for years. They likely have failed this very course at least once before. So, I am attempting to simplify things as much as possible. I am teaching them one mathematical tool that they can use for almost every problem they will encounter in the course... ratios and proportions.

It works something like this (for the above problem):

      75     =    x  
     100      $9.00

     Then cross-multiply and divide to get the markup amount
     Add the markup to the wholesale price and voila! you get the retail price

I know what you're thinking. The quiz question is less than stellar to begin with. And teaching procedure-based mathematics completely misses any real conceptual understanding. But, remember, my main goal here is to give my struggling students one procedure that they can learn well and use for almost every problem they see.

You would think this would be appealing to my students. But the resistance is incredible. They want to use various other techniques they half-learned last year and sort of remember. Most of the time the results are disastrous. But occasionally there is a flash of brilliance.

Hank answered the above question correctly. At least the final answer was correct. But the steps he used to get there were baffling to me. Numbers appeared as if by magic. But somehow the final answer appeared at the end. It took me a while to figure out what he was doing. So, I decided to ask him to explain himself to see if he understood what he was doing. And he did.

His reasoning went like this:

  • I know 10% of $9.00 is 0.90. I just moved the decimal point to the left.
  • Then I multiplied 0.90 by 7 because 7 x 10% is 70%. I got 6.30.
  • Then I divided 0.90 by 2 because 10% divided by 2 is 5%. I got 0.45.
  • Then I added 6.30 + 0.45 because 70% + 5% is 75%. I got $6.75.
  • Then I added $6.75 + $9.00 to get the retail price. It is $15.75.

Wow! I think this demonstrates a pretty good grasp of numbers, percents and multiplication. Not to mention a fairly unique problem solving strategy. I never would have thought of this. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised when students do stuff like this. But I still am.

I do believe there are some potential problems with this method:

  • This approach is much less efficient than my proportion method
  • It is much more difficult when the markup is 63.7%
  • With so many calculation steps, this method opens the door to simple arithmetic mistakes
  • One simple strategy that works for all problems is easier than trying to remember several unique strategies that only work for specific problems

So, how did I respond? I told Hank what great thinking this was. I congratulated him for demonstrating strong problem solving skills. I explained the potential problems with his approach. Then I told him to do it my way.

And I admit... a little piece of me died when I said it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer School - Day Two - Worksheets

The Summer School train is chugging along. Spoon feed them some mathematical procedures, do a few examples and hand out the worksheets. Quality teaching at its finest! Choo choo!

My first year teaching was spent largely in creating more worksheets. I was teaching a two semester math course for grade 8's who struggled with math. The teacher across the hall (since replaced by my stellar colleague, Blair Miller) was an advocate for creating worksheets in Excel using a random number generator. Need a new worksheet? Just hit F9!

I have a colleague who argues convincingly of the need for worksheets and drills to build basic skills. Students can't be expected to solve problems without basic mathematical fluency. Or can they? Which comes first, problem-solving or math skills? Manipulatives or worksheets? Does problem-solving help develop mathematical thinking and ability? Or do worksheets develop the procedural fluency needed to tackle problems?

I plan to give a homework quiz tomorrow. A problem framed in the context of our topic from today... unit price and markup. I guess I will find out if the worksheets prepared them to solve a problem. If not, what is the next step? More worksheets? Or a completely new approach?

One thing is for sure, lots of worksheets gives me more time to blog.

Summer School - Day One - Jelly Beans

Proportional reasoning is a huge part of Apprenticeship and Workplace (A&W) Math 10. this basic mathematical tool can be used to solve problems ranging from sale price and taxes to measurement and trigonometry. I think understanding ratios and proportions is crucial to success in this course.

I started my first summer school class with a jar of jelly beans. I asked my students if they had any questions. The obvious first response was "How many jelly beans are there?" The next obvious question (after much prodding) was "How many yellow ones are there?" I then asked the students to randomly guess how many jelly beans there were. The guesses ranged from 60 up to 668. Then I had them work in small groups to come up with a more accurate estimate using mathematical reasoning.

What was good
  1. Students were engaged... sort of. It is the first day of summer school and I'm sure they would rather be anywhere than math class counting jelly beans. But the sight of candy perked them up a bit.
  2. Two groups came up with the idea of comparing the volume of the jar with the volume of a jelly bean. This proportional reasoning is exactly what I was trying to get at. So the activity accomplished what I had intended.
  3. It was messy. The jar was not an exact cube. Jelly beans are not the same shape. There is empty space in the jar. All this provides a real world context where the answer is not as simple as it might appear in the first place. I like that.
What was not
  1. Although students were (somewhat) engaged in the problem, there was little discussion or sharing with each other. I think this was poor timing on my part. I wanted to introduce the concept of proportional reasoning in a way that made intuitive sense to the students. But they probably were not in the correct frame of mind to tackle this type of activity on the first day of summer school.
  2. Students did not know how to calculate the volume of a cube-shaped jar. This is not a criticism of the students' knowledge. It is a criticism of my teaching for not providing the necessary tools for success in solving the problem. I failed to access prior knowledge or determine deficiencies before-hand.
  3. I am not sure how effective it was overall in helping students grasp the concepts of ratios and proportions. They could clearly see a relationship between the volume of the jar and the volume of the jelly bean. They could clearly see the relationship between the number of one colour and the number of another colour (a good extension activity). But I did not feel like they really understood to the extent that they can transfer the jelly bean concepts to other problem-solving contexts.
I also realize that I only loosely followed Dan Meyer's 3 acts for mathematical story telling. It may be more effective if I create 3 acts more closely aligned to Dan's ideas and give students more time to wrestle with the problem in act 2. But, I think I have the beginning of a good idea. I may create a video of this activity that follows the 3 acts. Even if I don't use the video, the process of creating it will help me think through the learning process more carefully.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

30 days of Summer School

Ah July! The end of classes and the beginning of relaxation.

Unless you foolishly signed up to teach summer school... like me.

I will be teaching Apprenticeship & Workplace (A&W) Math 10. The new British Columbia curriculum has three streams. Foundations is intended for students going on to post-secondary in the arts. Pre-Calculus for students going into science and engineering. And A&W for students going into trades or directly into the workforce.

I taught the A&W10 course this year so I am familiar with the curriculum. I focused on procedural fluency, teaching simple steps that could be applied to most problems. I know full well that my students did not have deep conceptual understanding or strong problem solving skills. This is something I want to change when I teach the course again next September.

But what to do with summer school? On one hand it is a chance to try some new ideas focusing more on concepts and less on methods. The new curriculum is heavy on problem solving expecting students to use concrete (manipulatives) and pictorial representations to grasp concepts before moving on to symbolical representations and formal mathematical tools. Maybe this is my opportunity to create engaging lessons that help students build a deeper understanding of the math.

On the other hand it IS summer. How tempting to re-use what I already have and just plow through the content. After all, I only have 6 weeks (really 29 days) to teach the entire course. That's like a full week of instruction for every day in summer school. Do I really have time to create new stuff? Do I really care enough?

I expect the end result of all this will be somewhere in between. I WILL re-use a lot of what I already have. But I will ALSO create some new activities and try them out. Over the next 6 weeks, I will attempt to blog at least once about the lesson each day. Let's see what happens over 30 days of summer school.